Weekly Progress - Term 2

 Week 2

This week my group made a lot of progress with our radio project, we conducted a survey and did our preproduction based on the result. We also thought of our name.

Week 3

This week my group created the timeline and the basic script for our radio, something interesting that happened was we tried recording our intro and for it, I downloaded the app garageband. Something I realized that our project is very slow paced and we did not finish all our agendas, so something I might try working on during the weekend is the jingles. Another thing we discussed a lot was binary opposites and the 5 codes.

Week 4

This week was a slow progress, we tried experimenting with the audio but we made quite small results so we are planning to try continue it next week and hope for faster progress. Another reason why the progress was a bit slow was because my teammate was absent for most of the week and it was hard for me to make a move as i prefer having her opinion as well. But something interesting that we learned was about the basics of audio which was taught by Mr Wayan, he explained a lot about the mics, interface and the machines used to record audios for our radio. Currently, the most likely method i’ll use is probably the multiple devices: 2 phones for audio (mic for 2 hosts) and 1 camera for video.

Week 5

Not a big progress. This week we pretty much start research with our logo and we are going to proceed with the audio recording. Other than that we practiced more on analysis (paragraphs) mainly focusing on writing the intro and first paragraph. 

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