Component 3: Social Media Research and Development

This blog post made by me (Nayana) contains the research I have done specifically on social media. If you would like to check my broad branding research, you can click here and for my digipak research and development, you can check here


Below is Ariana Grande's social media page while promoting her newly released song "yes, and?". I took notice in her page as it's similar to the type of image we want to deliver for KIARA.

I feel she delivered that IT girl vibe really well, she presented herself in a way of ethereal but still down to earth in ways of appreciating and interacting with her fans but still has enough promotional material to be an artist. I really liked how her page looks uncoordinated but still clean, and it still falls into one concept.


I started by sketching our first draft of the social media layout. This is what I have drawn after discussing with my group.

10 Qs with Kiara

One of the contents we planned out was a video of 10 Qs with Kiara, inspired by the series by Vogue where artists would answer a list of rapid-fire questions. For example, the video they did with Olivia Rodrigo.

It highlights straightforward questions, asking "normal" daily life things, nothing too personal which makes artists more comfortable in answering. With this, I made my list of 10 questions to ask Kiara which we will record on our shoot later.

1. From 1-10, how excited are you for your newest album?
2. What is your favorite drink to get?
3. What is your New Year's resolution and have you stuck to it?
4. What is your favorite trend from social media?
5. What is the one thing you must have when you go traveling?
6. What is your comfort food?
7. Show us your favorite spot in the set
8. What is the most precious gift you have received?
9. What is your favorite activity to do in your free time?
10. Lastly, deliver a short message for those who are watching right now

After this, Maxi fixed the writing of these questions.

1. From 1-10, rate how excited you are for your upcoming album release!
2. What is one drink you can’t find yourself living without?
3. What is your New Year's resolution and have you stuck to it so far?
4. What is your current favorite social media trend?
5. What is one must-have item for you when you go traveling?
6. What is your comfort food?
7. Out of all the spots in this set, which one’s your favorite?
8. What is the most precious gift you have ever received?
9. What is an activity you love to do during your free time?⁠
10. Lastly, give us a short message for all the fans who are watching right now!

He also wrote the responses for, as our star didn't know how to answer.

1. gotta be a 10! i’ve put in so much work into this and i hope y’all are all as excited as i am!!
2. ⁠matchaaa!! (she can hold the drink while were at it)
3. ⁠well, i’ve been trying to get to school on time more often and uhm, thats going about as good as u’d think it is
4. ⁠uhmm, (whispers) dont tell anyone but… the dont go insane trend by dpr ian…
5. ⁠can’t leave this island without my film camera!!
6. ⁠hmm… tough question! i think nothing could beat bakmie after a long day of school though!
7. ⁠oh c’mon, it’s gotta be this absolutely beautiful view, just look at it! (points towards view from house ledge)
8. ⁠actually, i’m wearing it right noww, this necklace was given to me by my dad, back when he was still with us, and i’ve never taken it off ever since
9. ⁠hmm, good question, i think either dancing, or watching musicals have to be one of my favorite things ever though!
10. ⁠thank you guys sosososo much for watchingg, and dont forget to save March 3rd onto your calenders! see you guys soon! love youu! (blows kiss)

We ended up not using most of the answers Maxi provided as it didn't seem natural for her to answer as such and the setting just didn't support the provided answers.


Using Audacity, I edited the music for our teaser. I incorporated the original song, instrumental and acapella version of Feather as well as some ocean waves sound effect.

Below is the final music we used

Designing the posts

I used Canva to make all the designs and post layout.
kiara by notdaijobu

10 Questions Reel Video

On the day, I recorded while Sharon talked. We end up not using the answers that was prepared by Maxi as it didn't sound natural and she couldn't memorize it so our artist was free to answer anyway.

I help edited and captioned the video using a software, Capcut.

Below is the uploaded final video that you can see in our Instagram

Feather Dance Challenge

Dance challenge is a big thing today, especially to gain further interaction and promotion. The choreography used in the video was originally created by the content creator, Niana Guerrero. My team recorded the video on our final shoot with 2 of her friends. 

Below is the uploaded final video 

 We also used a picture from another project she did, to have more variety and contrast

We wrote as if it was a photoshoot for a magazine

We also included personal pictures of her, to highlight the Stardom Theory of ordinariness. This is seen from her profile picture and the following post.

This is also to show her real vs reel persona as seen from pictures of her outside of being a music artist.
I asked our star to send selfies that she liked for us to use in the social media page.


Sharon made a Linktree in order for audience to be able to get easy re-direction to our other products such as the music video link, ticket link, digipak link etc. This was useful in a way to gain attention for her other products in ways it would be easily recognizable.

Reflection: Doing research gave me insight of the conventions of an artist social media page, we tried to follow those conventions when building her Instagram. My role in the social media is making the layout for our posts and editing each post in a way that it falls together neatly. I edited everything in Canva and with feedbacks from Sharon and Timo, I feel I did everything as best as I could. What I found challenging was building and owning up to the persona we have created for Kiara, as I handled the social media page, I had to be careful to show Kiara's real persona as much as we could.

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Component 3: Final Piece

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