Documentary: Plan and Progress

Here contains the weekly progress of our documentary project, which includes the timeline that we ideally should follow. 

Week 2, 28/07/2023
- 3 small analyses of documentaries
- introduction to the documentary project
- homework: watch an episode of a documentary

Week 3, 04/08/2023
- we watched American Vandal
- learned how to make a big analysis of a documentary
- made American Vandal big analysis
- made our teams and decided on a theme (mockumentary)
- homework: make a big analysis of a mockumentary

Week 4, 11/08/2023
- we start our brainstorming for the documentary: high school, social media, drama, friend groups
- we learned about how to make the target audience
Problem: we have no clue what to do
Solution: we will have to discuss more with our missing team member (Timo)
To Do: we will have to have a decision by next Wednesday so we will discuss a lot more until then

Week 5, 18/08/2023
- I was absent

Week 6, 25/08/2023
- we continue our storyboard and screenplay
- we decided on a filming schedule
Problem: getting our casts together, finishing our screenplay storyboard, confirming the filming schedule
Solution: ask all our cast and finalize everything
To Do: ask our cast and film next week, here is our schedule:
  • August 28 - 30: Maxi and Timo argument
  • September 1, 4-7: Other Dave scenes
  • September 8: Danny (Crypto Dave)
Week 7, 1/09/2023
- We finished half a scene before Maxi and Danny had to leave for Bangkok
- Did conceptual drawing for our thumbnails
- Did trial shots and might lead to different places for everyone
- Started our critical self-reflection
Problem: Maxi left us with an unfinished screenplay so our flow is very disturbed
Solution: Maxi needs to finish his screenplay and use social media to keep in contact
To Do: Finish our tasks and shoot 

Week 8, 8/09/2023
- We started our shoot and have done 80% of our scenes
- Updated our blogposts: development, research
- Finalized our thumbnail design and elements
Problem: One of our major Dave (Danny) got sick so we need to push our last shot to Monday
Solution: Push shoot back to Monday
To Do: Finish shoot and start editing

Week 9, 13/09/2023
- We finally finished our shoot and can get started with editing
- We did the photoshoot for the thumbnail
- We started editing our thumbnail with the final typeface for "Dave(s)" and got the animation
Problem: Danny was sick on Monday and on Tuesday, he didn't have time to shoot on the time other Dave was available. 
Solution: As we cannot push it back further than Tuesday, we changed Danny and his entire Dave role to Juna as "Not Dave" also known as Kevin. So we had to change our screenplay and some of our blog posts
To Do: edit our blogs, continue our edit, continue self-reflection

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