Documentary: Production

This blog was written by me (Nayana) and contains our filming progress and behind-the-scenes of our shoot. 

Day 1

This day was a very short shoot. We recorded the first part which was only Maxi and Timo's argument.

This was our trial shot first attempt, it was too dark and we didn't really like it so we went with the shot angle below.

Day 2

We started our Dave shoot with Muscle Dave and Happy Dave. Everything went well with all the cooperative actors. They added some scenes that weren't originally part of the screenplay or storyboard. This made the whole mockumentary much more personal and quirky.

Consulting with our screenplay writer who was in Bangkok about how to read a line.

Muscle Dave

Day 3

This day was used to shoot creepy Dave and soft boy Dave. Same as our previous day, everything went really well and the actors really took the role and for themselves. 

Day 4

This day we focused primarily on player Dave (Davin). We recorded his interview and montages of him getting rejected by the girls. 

Day 5

On our last day of the shoot, we recorded the scenes that had everyone, the selfie, and our last Dave scenes (interview and montage). 

Overall, the shooting was very fun although we went through a few challenges like scheduling, room set-up, and the sudden character change, we managed to overcome it all together.

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Component 3: Final Piece

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