Documentary: Screenplay and Storyboard

Our screenplay is written by Maxi and our storyboard is drawn by Sharon but this blog post was made by me (Nayana)

Here we have the original screenplay but below we added the revised screenplay as well.

Through our shoot, one major problem we encountered was with Crypto Dave. The actor was unavailable to shoot and due to time constraints, we decided to change the whole character to Not Dave, played by another actor, Juna. This also played out to be a really fun idea, especially of how different it is than our other Daves. This "Not Dave" is actually a character that is originally not named Dave but was also a new student on the same day and hence was grouped together. 

Below is the changed script for "Not Dave"
I'm not even called Dave man, my real names Kevin. People just grouped me in with them cuz I was a new student.
MONTAGE of NOT DAVE (Kevin) being called Dave and approached by other students.
--Kevin is sitting down on his phone as students come up to him and ask him if he's the new kid, Dave.
--While at his locker, students pass by him as they shout, "Hey Dave!".
--While at the urinal, another students takes the one next to him, looks towards Kevin and nonchalantly says "Hey Dave".
--While walking in the hallway, Kevin gets approached and hugged by another student who says "Hey Dave! Nice to meet you man!".
--Kevin then screams, "MY NAMES KEVIN!!".
Throughout our shoot, we changed our screenplay a lot and allowed our actors to be more lenient during the shoot, to not be too fixated on the script given. Below, we added our changes to the physical screenplay.

For the parts we didn't specify which Dave would do, we made sure more than one Dave did it so we could have more shots to choose from. We also marked the ones they did to make sure we did everything.

The script that was made for Crypto Dave had to be crossed out entirely and changed to be for "Not Dave". The clear and final version of his script has been attached above.

The reason why we allowed the actors to modify their parts in the script is to make it more natural to who they are, hence making them more comfortable in acting their character, especially as we already personally chose the people according to who we thought would play it best. It worked really well as some of their ideas fit more with the script and made it more humorous.


This storyboard was very helpful in visualizing what our documentary would look like but it was hard following our storyboard exactly, so we decided to just use it as a guide and not really be fixated on it. The storyboard and screenplay also made the whole shoot run more smoothly as we already know what we need to record.

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