Component 3: Weekly Progress and Plan

 This is my weekly progress for my project. I have also included the ideal rough plan.


Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(13 Feb)

Deadline (Tuesday 13th February)





Semester 1

Week 1, 6th October 2023

This week we got introduced to the project and the guidelines of what project we will be doing. We also started our research on what music video we want to make, as my group discussed, we might be doing a pop genre so we will do more research on that and which specific artist we want to make our muse.

Week 2, 13th October 2023

This week we had 2 meetings for this project. In the first meeting, me and my team discussed what genre we are doing and we have a direction - we are leaning towards bright, happy pop music. In the second meeting, we continued our research, our teacher showed a few various music videos which was interesting and took the ideas of mental health. I also continued my research and looked at The Weeknd, Blinding Lights music video. I will be starting the analysis of branding this week as well and today we got a brief introduction on what we should include.

Week 3, 20th October 2023

This week I continued my research and started our statement of intent. However, I couldn't finish my research because I was busy with another exam that was coming up. Mr briefed us prior regarding our statement of intent and my group discussed more of our target audience and our music video as a whole. We also got taught how to make our whole project more reflective - from our reflection and research to the other aspects of our project.

Problem: We didn't have enough time to finish the statement of intent 
Solution: Finish it as homework through discussion with the team - finish before next week's project lesson
To-Do: Finish my research as soon as I finish my other exam 

Week 4, 27th October 2023

This week we did a mini project of making a lip sync video, this taught us of the technicality and was like a pilot project before we did our own music video. We started discussing where our music video would go - by creating a mood board, starting our development, and figuring out the names and actors for our music video as well as the locations.

Problem: I couldn't attend all the classes this week so I missed out on a few lessons and didn't do the mini-project fully as I had to study for my Cambridge exam
Solution: I had to take time off my studies to contribute to the mini-project and catch up with all the missing lessons and time
To-Do: Finish my research, and decide on a name for our artist

Week 5, 3th November 2023

This week we started breaking down the scenes we are planning to do with the lyric sheet. We also got an updated list of the blogs we may have to create. This week we finished the mini lipsync project as well which you can find on my blog post.

Problem: We need more time to break down the scenes and the potential risk of heavy rainy season.
Solution: We may have to ensure everything and probably double-book or plan alternative dates to stay on schedule
To-Do: Start the screenplay and storyboard

Week 6, 10th November 2023

This week we finished breaking down the lyrics and scenes. We also started to research our mise-en-scene, like our locations, and outfits. So we created a Pinterest board for inspiration of our music video.

Problem: Screenplay is not suitable for this project
Solution: Focus on storyboard and make a selective screenplay (only for some specific shots)
To-Do: Storyboard and screenplay, I will also start my research for social media page

Week 7, 14th November 2023

This week we focus on our blog and to complete the tasks that needs to be uploaded in our blog. This was helped by the checklist that was given our teacher with 4 different categories; on blog, complete, label, reflection and plan of action.

Problem: Some parts of my blog is not done yet.
Solution: Finish my blog work and tasks during semester break/before the deadline
To-Do: Make time to finish my blog each day and stay on task to complete the checklist given

Semester Reflection

This semester, I had frequent and consistent weekly updates of my progress. This helped a lot to recognize the position I was in and it gave a clear direction and plan of what is still needed to complete. Though an issue I encounter was how I felt it was insignificant, so I didn’t really follow it which results in even slower progress and updates. Next semester, I wish for it to have a bigger impact especially how hectic next semester would be, I wish this plan and weekly progress can help me keep updates and track to make sure me and my group is according to schedule.

Semester 2

Week 1, 12th January 2023

Today I heard my feedback from my semester 1 work, I have listed down all the needed changes I have to make this semester to improve my scores. I have done more of our location scouting by doing a location assessment and risk assessments for each location which would help us choose and prepare for our shoot. Due to some delays, we are now in a rush but with good teamwork, it should be nothing big for us to handle. 

Problem: delay causing our shoot to not be done yet so we are quite behind schedule
Solution: get back on track without procrastinating
To-Do: start on social media, contact actors, and make the groups to ensure easier communication

Week 2, 19th January 2023

Today we concluded our filming schedule and compiled a table which you can check in this blog post. We also made our social media layout and organized what content we should make during our shoot for our social media. 

Problem: our teammate is absent so he wasn't present for some of our discussion, and another teammate said he's going to go to Sydney on one of our filming date
Solution: organizing our schedule according to the dates of who will be present, doing the simplest shoot on the day our teammate is absent
To-Do: research more and prepare for the social media and digipak design and layout

Week 3, 26th January 2023

This week we are introduced to our social media and digipak. We evaluated the needs of it and the content that we wanted to include. This will be a great guide for our shoot later to make sure we have enough original content for our other products. 

Problem: one of our teammates will be absent for our first shoot and our other teammate was absent during our discussion
Solution: we go without him to not delay, and we make sure to update thoroughly in our group and ensure everyone is prepared for our shoot tomorrow
To-Do: research more of our social media and get ready to start making the content, learn how to make a mock digipak

Week 4, 31st January 2023

This week we started our shoot, we encountered a major problem where we had to move to another location without any prior research or assessment, but everything went well as we really liked the location. We also started making our critical self reflection which I will have to continue doing without procrastinating if I want to finish on time and with great quality.

Problem: starting the self reflection is difficult so I couldn't make a big progress
Solution: spend more time for the reflection and plan more of what to write
To-Do: continue writing self reflection, prepare for our shoot at the end of the week

Week 5, 7th February 2023

This week, we continued our shoot and we started designing our digipak and social media although it is difficult to design it fully when we don't have all the pictures laid out. But we made a mock design using other people's photos we liked so then we can just direct our star to do something similar. Learning from our previous shoots, my friend also made a specific filming schedule tomorrow to keep us on track and be efficient.

Problem: there's a possible bad weather forecast for tomorrow which is our final day of shoot
Solution: be prepared and ensure alternatives
To-Do: continue self reflection and editing our promotional media for the project

Week 6, 16th February 2023

This week we missed a lesson due to election. We had our last shoot this week but I was unable to come as I was sick so I relied on them for the shoot though I had some advice and comments that I think would make the photos look better, so I asked them to follow during the shoot. We continued our digipak and social media post which me, Sharon and Timo primarily worked on. We had our teaser and the first minute of our video made which Mr Nick saw and gave feedbacks for.

Problem: we received feedback that Timo will have to edit again, our social media and digipak is not done
Solution: continue working on it
To-Do: edit teaser audio, digipak and social media posts, interview video, critical self reflection

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Component 3: Final Piece

This blog post, written by me (Nayana), contains the final piece of our music promotion package project. Music Video   Use this link in case...