Component 3: Behind the Scenes

This blog post, made by me (Nayana) contain our filming process, including our behind the scenes and a recap from each of our shooting days. 


Before our shoot, I went to buy some of the major props we will need, including our red grid blanket for our picnic and beach scenes as well as a picnic basket.

Day 1

In this day (27th January 2024) we shot our beach scenes. We promised to gather in Gunung Payung beach at 1 PM but started our shoot at around 1:45 PM

After shooting our car scenes for our beach we went through a problem. We didn't know we had to have permission to shoot in that beach and so we were told we have to pay IDR 750 000 to continue shooting there. Our solution was to go to the nearest beach which was Pandawa Beach. Thankfully we got to shoot there for free so then we continued there.

This was a very successful shoot as we managed to record everything we need and everyone also had fun during our shoot which also plays to our casts mood for our music video.

Day 2

In this day (3rd February 2024) we shot our villa scenes. Our appointment to meet at 11 AM was pushed to 12 PM as the villa would only be ready by then. But due to few circumstances, we ended up gathering at 1 and starting our shoot at around 1:30-2:00 PM. 

We had to buy a bouquet first for our male actor.

Some obstacles we went through was the amount of mosquitoes and issue with consumption as we were pretty isolated but that soon to be handled. But our biggest problem was the weather. We planned to have some sunset shots and outdoor shot but the weather really wasn't supportive. Throughout our shoot, it stayed gloomy with no sign of blue sky which also affected our indoor shots. The lighting we rented also died really quickly so we couldn't utilize it. 

Although we gathered few really good shots, we didn't manage to finish all of the stuff we had to do, including photoshoot and sunset shot which we had to push to our next shoot.

Day 3

In this day (8th February 2024) we focused on the car scenes and supposedly park and picnic. For this day, we had much more things to shoot so we tried making a more detailed schedule throughout the day to have time for everything. But at the end, we still gathered 30 minutes late due to some confusion regarding location. We started on our car scenes which mostly was worked by Timo and our friend Rassel who helped recording. During our shoot, we were approached by a security, but I did communicate with them to fix any misunderstandings hence we were not involved into any further issues.

It was hard to stay on schedule as our team had few discussions and different opinions for our shoot so we ended finishing late and arriving late to our second location. As we arrived on our next location, the weather was really gloomy and it started raining, which thankfully didn't last too long. But as we arrived in the park, we got told off as we were not allowed to record nor take pictures in the private property without permission. Me and Timo talked to the security and tried to negotiate but it wasn't possible so we had no other choice.

What was supposed to be the busiest shoot became our least productive one as we were not allowed to record anywhere. The unfinished shoot from our previous day was also left off so we might have to add another day. But we did took some shots secretly and recorded one of our video for social media.

Day 4

This was an unplanned day of shoot. This was to cover the park scene that we couldn't do on Day 3.  I wasn't available to attend because I was sick so for this day's summary, I took it from my teammate's blog, Sharon.

Right after school, we went to Lapangan Puputan Renon and arrived at 16:30 along with our crew and performers. All we needed to do was film the park scenes.

Timo filming from an angle overlooking straight to the top as 2 of our performers lay down the picnic blanket.

Filming the performers walking towards their spot at the park.

Filming a tilt transition as the star throws the apple upwards.

The star and 2 of our performers.

The star and 2 of our performers filming the TikTok dance challenge on 'Feather' as Timo recorded on his phone.

Today was a success despite having to add an extra day of filming. Although, we weren't able to shoot the sunset scene as there wasn't any sunset in this area. Yet, we could improvise and come up with a better ending scene. We were satisfied with today's shoot as the performers were able to show a cheerful manner on camera that further depicted the music video's lively mood. All in all, we were glad that we could finally wrap up the production stage of the music video!

This shoot was probably my hardest one yet, as we skipped the part of permit on our risk assessment, we had to face many obstacles. My role during our shoot was mostly on tracking our task, behind-the-scene pictures as well as communicating to the locals every time we were approached. It was difficult for us to have the shoot going on track time-wise due to the mishaps our team experienced as well so unfortunate the scheduling my teammate worked upon prior our day 3 shoot wasn't really effective. Eitherway this made me realize the importance of the risk assessments as it could affect our shoot greatly.

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